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Divya at Our City Dances Festival

Mon 19 July

Divya led a workshop inspired by To Varnam...With Love for South East Dance as part of their Our City Dances festival. 


See the Our City Dances trailer here  


(a)part from within - new film released

In the still darkness of the night, words have died down. Everybody has sunk into sweet sleep with no worry, the whole wide world sleeps. I certainly am the only one who is unable to sleep!


A new exploratory, R&D film created in collaboration with Jo Cork DigiDance.

View here



Still taking bookings for our stage show To Varnam...With Love

Our Autumn 22/Spring 23 tour is starting to take shape. If you have a studio theatre space and would like to bring Divya's unique blend of Bharatanatyam, Kathak, western dance, animation, storytelling and Carnatic singing to audiences familiar and new to South Asian dance please get in touch for a chat -


SLEEPLESS - New commission for Trinity Laban 

Divya is currently completing a 6 week creation period with Trinity Laban. The students will have a first experience of embodying the spirit of Bharatanatyam and learning the technique and intricate choreographic language through Divya's unique style. Working with costume design, sound designer and lighting designer Divya will explore the ideas from her exploratory dance film, Woman In Waiting, created with digital and film artist Jo Cork.


You can see the performance captured for online here from Friday 9 July

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